Breast calcifications

Changed by Francis Deng, 16 Aug 2019

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Breast calcifications are are deposits of calcium salts in the breast, which are radio-opaque on mammography. The majority are benign, but they can be associated with cancer. The ability to diagnose and appropriately manage the significant microcalcifications and differentiate them from innocuous findings is part of the art and science of breast imaging.


Calcifications are extremely common, present in ~85% of mammograms 8. Their frequency increases with age. 

In a screening mammography program, the rate of recall because of calcifications was 1.7% and of these, 19% resulted in a cancer diagnosis 13. In the digital mammography era, about one-sixth of all recalls are for calcifications 15.

Calcification-specific cancer detection rates in the era of digital mammography range from 1.9 to 3.2 in 1000 screened 13,14. A third of breast cancers show calcifications as the only mammographically suspicious feature 13. Up to 50% of breast cancers can be associated with calcification while 15-30% of calcifications biopsied for various reasons tend to be malignant in asymptomatic patients 10.



Of the breast cancers detected on mammography due to calcifications, about two-thirds represent ductal carcinoma in situ and the remainder are invasive ductal carcinoma 13,14. In contrast, the causes of benign calcifications are broad and covered in detail in other sections (Radiographic features and Differential diagnosis).

Microscopic appearance

Calcifications typically represent calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate salt deposition. The former appear purple on hematoxylin and eosin stain, while the latter requires the use of polarized light to assess birefringence.

Radiographic features

The BI-RADS lexicon lexicon prescribes descriptors for typically benign calcifications as well as suspicious morphologic terms and descriptors of calcification distribution17. See also the separate article on breast calcifications: an approach.

Typically benign calcifications
  • skin: they have a very fine lucent centre; they are seen incentered, usually tightly grouped, and can be localized on tangential views if the skin line onappearance is atypical; formed within the edge of the breast and are very small punctate calcifications in the skin poresdermis/epidermis
  • vascular: when extensive they are easy to pick up parallel tram tracks or discontinuous linear appearance at the margins of a tubular structure; when they are just isolatedformed in oneblood vessel they can potentially be confused with DCIS; the vessel has two walls and in most cases a tram line can be visualised if both walls are calcified
  • coarse or "popcorn-like": large (>2-3 mm), sometimes confluent or associated with a circumscribed mass; formed in involuting fibroadenomas
  • large rod-like: large tubules in a radiating and sometimes branching distribution oriented towards the nipple; with the largest in a breast measuring mean 4 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, usually bilateral, usually intraductal but sometimes periductal, usually in older women (>60 years) 18; formed within ductal ectasia
  • round, including punctate: circular in morphology, small (usually <1 mm) or punctate (<0.5 mm if punctate) in size; frequently formed in acini of terminal ductal lobular unit
  • rim: "eggshell", lucent centered; formed in the walls of oil cysts (fat necrosis) or simple cysts
  • dystrophic: irregular, usually >1 mm; formed after radiation, trauma, or surgery
  • milk of calcium: the classic "tea cups" that show acurvilinear or linear level on the mediolateral90° lateral (ML/LM) view but a smudge on the CC view view; formed as sediment within cysts
  • suture: linear or tubular calcifications; formed on loops and knots of surgical sutures
Suspicious morphology of calcifications

The following particle shapes carry increasing suspicion for malignancy, in order:

  • amorphous
  • coarse heterogeneous: irregular, generally 0.5-1 mm
  • amorphous: indistinct and/or small, such that another specific shape cannot be determined
  • fine pleomorphic: variable shape like "shards of glass", generally <0.5 mm
  • fine linear or fine-linear branching: thin (<0.5 mm), linear, branching or irregularly arranged

See also the separate article on suspicious breast calcifications. These descriptors and their associated probability of malignancy can be further modified by their distribution.

  • diffuse: may be scattered calcifications or multiple similar appearing clusters of calcifications scattered randomly throughout the breast; almost always benign
  • regional: scattered in a larger volume (>2 cc) of breast tissue and not in the expected ductal distribution
  • grouped: at cluster of at least 5 calcifications within 1 cm from each other, in an area at most 2 cm in greatest dimension
  • linear: calcifications arrayed in a line suggestive of deposition along ducts; suspicious if there is not a characteristically benign appearance such as vascular or large rod-like calcifications)
  • segmental: calcium deposits in ducts and branches of a segment or lobe; suspicious if not characteristically benign such as large rod-like

Radiology report

Calcifications that are definitely benign do not need to be reported, so that the referrer or patient reading the report would not be confused reading the report, but they may be reported if there is concern that other observers might not interpret them as benign 17.

Round calcifications are benign (BI-RADS 2) if diffuse or stable for several years. Grouped round calcifications in isolation are probably benign (BI-RADS 3). Round calcifications that are new, increase, or linear or segmental in distribution are suspicious (BI-RADS 4).

Amorphous calcifications are suspicious (BI-RADS 4) unless they are bilateral and diffuse and/or stable for many years.

Differential diagnosis

There are many etiologies of breast calcifications.

Ductal calcifications may represent either the calcifications of DCIS or casting calcifications in a duct

See also

  • -<p><strong>Breast calcifications</strong> are deposits of calcium salts in the breast, which are radio-opaque on <a title="Mammography" href="/articles/mammography">mammography</a>. The majority are benign, but they can be associated with cancer. The ability to diagnose and appropriately manage the significant microcalcifications and differentiate them from innocuous findings is part of the art and science of breast imaging.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Calcifications are extremely common, present in ~85% of mammograms <sup>8</sup>. Their frequency increases with age. </p><p>In a screening mammography program, the rate of recall because of calcifications was 1.7% and of these, 19% resulted in a cancer diagnosis <sup>13</sup>. In the digital mammography era, about one-sixth of all recalls are for calcifications <sup>15</sup>.</p><p>Calcification-specific cancer detection rates in the era of digital mammography range from 1.9 to 3.2 in 1000 screened <sup>13,14</sup>. A third of breast cancers show calcifications as the only mammographically suspicious feature <sup>13</sup>. Up to 50% of breast cancers can be associated with calcification while 15-30% of calcifications biopsied for various reasons tend to be malignant in asymptomatic patients <sup>10</sup>.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><h5>Etiology</h5><p>Of the breast cancers detected on mammography due to calcifications, about two-thirds represent <a href="/articles/ductal-carcinoma-in-situ">ductal carcinoma in situ</a> and the remainder are <a href="/articles/invasive-ductal-carcinoma">invasive ductal carcinoma</a> <sup>13,14</sup>. In contrast, the causes of benign calcifications are broad and covered in detail in other sections (Radiographic features and Differential diagnosis).</p><h5>Microscopic appearance</h5><p>Calcifications typically represent calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate salt deposition. The former appear purple on hematoxylin and eosin stain, while the latter requires the use of polarized light to assess birefringence.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>The <a title="BI-RADS" href="/articles/breast-imaging-reporting-and-data-system-bi-rads">BI-RADS</a> lexicon prescribes descriptors for typically benign calcifications as well as suspicious morphologic terms and descriptors of calcification distribution. See also the separate article on <a href="/articles/breast-calcifications-an-approach">breast calcifications: an approach</a>.</p><h5>Typically benign calcifications</h5><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Breast calcifications</strong> are deposits of calcium salts in the breast, which are radio-opaque on <a href="/articles/mammography">mammography</a>. The majority are benign, but they can be associated with cancer. The ability to diagnose and appropriately manage the significant microcalcifications and differentiate them from innocuous findings is part of the art and science of breast imaging.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Calcifications are extremely common, present in ~85% of mammograms <sup>8</sup>. Their frequency increases with age. </p><p>In a screening mammography program, the rate of recall because of calcifications was 1.7% and of these, 19% resulted in a cancer diagnosis <sup>13</sup>. In the digital mammography era, about one-sixth of all recalls are for calcifications <sup>15</sup>.</p><p>Calcification-specific cancer detection rates in the era of digital mammography range from 1.9 to 3.2 in 1000 screened <sup>13,14</sup>. A third of breast cancers show calcifications as the only mammographically suspicious feature <sup>13</sup>. Up to 50% of breast cancers can be associated with calcification while 15-30% of calcifications biopsied for various reasons tend to be malignant in asymptomatic patients <sup>10</sup>.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><h5>Etiology</h5><p>Of the breast cancers detected on mammography due to calcifications, about two-thirds represent <a href="/articles/ductal-carcinoma-in-situ">ductal carcinoma in situ</a> and the remainder are <a href="/articles/invasive-ductal-carcinoma">invasive ductal carcinoma</a> <sup>13,14</sup>. In contrast, the causes of benign calcifications are broad and covered in detail in other sections (Radiographic features and Differential diagnosis).</p><h5>Microscopic appearance</h5><p>Calcifications typically represent calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate salt deposition. The former appear purple on hematoxylin and eosin stain, while the latter requires the use of polarized light to assess birefringence.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>The <a href="/articles/breast-imaging-reporting-and-data-system-bi-rads">BI-RADS</a> lexicon prescribes descriptors for typically benign calcifications as well as suspicious morphologic terms and descriptors of calcification distribution <sup>17</sup>. See also the separate article on <a href="/articles/breast-calcifications-an-approach">breast calcifications: an approach</a>.</p><h5>Typically benign calcifications</h5><ul>
  • -<a href="/articles/skin-calcification-in-breast">skin</a>: they have a very fine lucent centre; they are seen in the skin line on the edge of the breast and are very small punctate calcifications in the skin pores</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/skin-calcification-in-breast">skin</a>: lucent centered, usually tightly grouped, and can be localized on <a href="/articles/tangential-views">tangential views</a> if the appearance is atypical; formed within the dermis/epidermis</li>
  • -<a href="/articles/vascular-calcification-in-breast">vascular</a>: when extensive they are easy to pick up; when they are just isolated in one vessel they can potentially be confused with DCIS; the vessel has two walls and in most cases a tram line can be visualised if both walls are calcified</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/vascular-calcification-in-breast">vascular</a>: parallel tram tracks or discontinuous linear appearance at the margins of a tubular structure; formed in blood vessel walls</li>
  • -<a href="/articles/popcorn-calcification-within-the-breast-1">coarse or "popcorn-like"</a>: involuting <a title="Fibroadenoma (breast)" href="/articles/fibroadenoma-breast">fibroadenoma</a>
  • +<a href="/articles/popcorn-calcification-within-the-breast-1">coarse or "popcorn-like"</a>: large (&gt;2-3 mm), sometimes confluent or associated with a circumscribed mass; formed in involuting <a href="/articles/fibroadenoma-breast">fibroadenomas</a>
  • -<li>large rod-like</li>
  • -<li>round: circular in morphology, small (&lt;1 mm) or punctate (&lt;0.5 mm) in size; frequently formed in acini of <a title="Terminal ductal lobular unit" href="/articles/terminal-ductal-lobular-unit">terminal ductal lobular unit</a>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/large-rod-like-breast-calcification-1">large rod-like</a>: large tubules in a radiating and sometimes branching distribution oriented towards the nipple; with the largest in a breast measuring mean 4 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, usually bilateral, usually intraductal but sometimes periductal, usually in older women (&gt;60 years) <sup>18</sup>; formed within <a href="/articles/mammary-duct-ectasia">ductal ectasia</a>
  • +</li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/round-breast-calcification">round</a>, including <a href="/articles/punctate-microcalcification-within-the-breast">punctate</a>: circular, usually &lt;1 mm (&lt;0.5 mm if punctate); formed in acini of <a href="/articles/terminal-ductal-lobular-unit">terminal ductal lobular unit</a>
  • +</li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/eggshell-calcification-breast-1">rim</a>: "eggshell", lucent centered; formed in the walls of <a href="/articles/oil-cyst-breast">oil cysts</a> (fat necrosis) or <a href="/articles/simple-breast-cyst-1">simple cysts</a>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/eggshell-calcification-breast-1">rim</a></li>
  • -<li>dystrophic</li>
  • -<a href="/articles/milk-of-calcium-within-a-breast-cyst">milk of calcium</a>: the classic "tea cups" that show a level on the mediolateral view but a smudge on the CC view</li>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/suture-calcification-in-breast">suture</a></li>
  • -</ul><h5>Suspicious morphology of calcifications</h5><ul>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/amorphous-calcification-within-breast">amorphous</a></li>
  • -<li>coarse heterogeneous</li>
  • -<li>fine pleomorphic</li>
  • -<li>fine linear or fine-linear branching</li>
  • -</ul><p>See also the separate article on <a href="/articles/suspicious-breast-calcifications">suspicious breast calcifications</a>.</p><h5>Distribution</h5><ul>
  • -<li>diffuse: may be scattered calcifications or multiple similar appearing clusters of calcifications throughout the breast</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/dystrophic-calcification-within-the-breast">dystrophic</a>: irregular, usually &gt;1 mm; formed after radiation, trauma, or surgery</li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/milk-of-calcium-within-a-breast-cyst">milk of calcium</a>: "tea cups" curvilinear or linear level on the 90° lateral (<a href="/articles/mediolateral-view">ML/LM</a>) view but a smudge on the <a href="/articles/craniocaudal-view">CC</a> view; formed as sediment within cysts</li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/suture-calcification-in-breast">suture</a>: linear or tubular calcifications; formed on loops and knots of surgical sutures</li>
  • +</ul><h5>Suspicious morphology of calcifications</h5><p>The following particle shapes carry increasing suspicion for malignancy, in order:</p><ul>
  • +<li>coarse heterogeneous: irregular, generally 0.5-1 mm</li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/amorphous-calcification-within-breast">amorphous</a>: indistinct and/or small, such that another specific shape cannot be determined</li>
  • +<li>fine pleomorphic: variable shape like "shards of glass", generally &lt;0.5 mm</li>
  • +<li>fine linear or fine-linear branching: thin (&lt;0.5 mm), linear, branching or irregularly arranged</li>
  • +</ul><p>See also the separate article on <a href="/articles/suspicious-breast-calcifications">suspicious breast calcifications</a>. These descriptors and their associated probability of malignancy can be further modified by their distribution.</p><h5>Distribution</h5><ul>
  • +<li>diffuse: scattered randomly throughout the breast; almost always benign</li>
  • -<a title="Grouped calcifications" href="/articles/grouped-calcifications">grouped</a>: at least 5 calcifications within 1 cm from each other, in an area at most 2 cm in greatest dimension</li>
  • -<li>linear: calcifications arrayed in a line suggestive of deposition along ducts</li>
  • -<li>segmental: calcium deposits in ducts and branches of a segment or lobe</li>
  • -</ul><h4>Radiology report</h4><p>Calcifications that are definitely benign do not need to be reported, so that the referrer or patient reading the report would not be confused reading the report, but they may be reported if there is concern that other observers might not interpret them as benign <sup>17</sup>.</p><p>Round calcifications are benign (<a title="BI-RADS 2" href="/articles/bi-rads-2-2">BI-RADS 2</a>) if diffuse or stable for several years. Grouped round calcifications in isolation are probably benign (<a title="BI-RADS 3" href="/articles/bi-rads-3-1">BI-RADS 3</a>). Round calcifications that are new, increase, or linear or segmental in distribution are suspicious (<a title="BI-RADS 4" href="/articles/bi-rads-4-1">BI-RADS 4</a>).</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><p>There are many etiologies of breast calcifications.</p><p>Ductal calcifications may represent either the calcifications of DCIS or casting calcifications in a duct</p><ul>
  • +<a href="/articles/grouped-calcifications">grouped</a>: cluster of at least 5 calcifications within 1 cm from each other, in an area at most 2 cm in greatest dimension</li>
  • +<li>linear: calcifications arrayed in a line suggestive of deposition along ducts; suspicious if there is not a characteristically benign appearance such as vascular or large rod-like calcifications)</li>
  • +<li>segmental: calcium deposits in ducts and branches of a segment or lobe; suspicious if not characteristically benign such as large rod-like</li>
  • +</ul><h4>Radiology report</h4><p>Calcifications that are definitely benign do not need to be reported, so that the referrer or patient reading the report would not be confused reading the report, but they may be reported if there is concern that other observers might not interpret them as benign <sup>17</sup>.</p><p>Round calcifications are benign (<a href="/articles/bi-rads-2-2">BI-RADS 2</a>) if diffuse or stable for several years. Grouped round calcifications in isolation are probably benign (<a href="/articles/bi-rads-3-1">BI-RADS 3</a>). Round calcifications that are new, increase, or linear or segmental in distribution are suspicious (<a href="/articles/bi-rads-4-1">BI-RADS 4</a>).</p><p>Amorphous calcifications are suspicious (BI-RADS 4) unless they are bilateral and diffuse and/or stable for many years.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><p>There are many etiologies of breast calcifications.</p><p>Ductal calcifications may represent either the calcifications of DCIS or casting calcifications in a duct</p><ul>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/psammomatous-calcification-from-mucin-producing-tumours">psammomatous calcification from mucin producing tumours</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/psammomatous-calcification-from-mucin-producing-tumours">psammomatous calcification from mucin producing tumors</a></li>
  • -<li>secretary calcification: <a href="/articles/plasma-cell-mastitis">plasma cell mastitis</a>
  • +<li>secretary calcification: <a href="/articles/plasma-cell-mastitis">plasma cell mastitis</a>
  • -<li><a title="Breast calcifications (an approach)" href="/articles/breast-calcifications-an-approach">breast calcifications: an approach</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/breast-calcifications-an-approach">breast calcifications: an approach</a></li>

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