Congenital cardiovascular anomalies

Changed by Tee Yu Jin, 12 Apr 2020

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Congenital cardiovascular anomalies are relatively common, with an incidence of up to 1% if small muscular VSDs are included. As a group, there is a much greater frequency in syndromic infants and in those that are stillborn. 

Clinical presentation

Broadly, congenital cardiovascular anomalies can be clinically divided into:

Depending on the lesion and its severity, patients may be asymptomatic or conversely, may present with rapidly deteriorating congestive cardiac failure.


These defects as a group have a heterogeneous aetiology with many resulting from an interplay between both genetic and environmental factors.


A list of anomalies and their approximate occurrences (as a percentage of all congenital cardiac disease) are given below:

Other valvular anomalies

Percentages may not necessarynecessarily add up to a 100 due to overlap and simultaneous occurrence of abnormalities.


Congenital cardiac anomalies can be found with many aneuploidicaneuploid conditions which include:

  • -<a title="hypoplastic right heart syndrome (HRHS)" href="/articles/hypoplastic-right-heart-syndrome-hrhs">hypoplastic right heart syndrome (HRHS)</a>: ?</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/hypoplastic-right-heart-syndrome-hrhs">hypoplastic right heart syndrome (HRHS)</a>: ?</li>
  • -</ul><p>Percentages may not necessary add up to a 100 due to overlap and simultaneous occurrence of abnormalities.</p><h5>Associations</h5><p>Congenital cardiac anomalies can be found with many aneuploidic conditions which include:</p><ul>
  • +</ul><p>Percentages may not necessarily add up to 100 due to overlap and simultaneous occurrence of abnormalities.</p><h5>Associations</h5><p>Congenital cardiac anomalies can be found with many aneuploid conditions which include:</p><ul>
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Image 8 X-ray (Frontal) ( update )

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