The hip series is comprised of an anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiograph of the hip joint. The series is requested for a myriad of reasons from trauma to atraumatic hip pain.
Hip radiographs are performed for a variety of indications including 1-3:
hip pain
abnormal gait
inability to weight bear
knee pain
Standard projections
demonstrates the hip joint in the AP plane, with the limb internally rotated so the neck of the femur is in profile
often only performed in follow up studies
standard rolled lateral view demonstrating the femoral neck and acetabular rim can only be performed on non-trauma patients
Modified trauma projections
lateral projection demonstrating the neck of the femur without movement of the affected limb
can only be conducted on unilateral hip trauma
lateral projection demonstrating the neck of the femur without movement of the either limb
the ideal projection for bilateral hip or femur trauma
Additional projections
lataral projection to aid and diagnose femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) due to its increased sensitivity for detecting femoral head-neck asphericity.
bilateral examination allows for better visualization of the hip joints and femoral neck. It is almost exclusively used in the pediatric population to assess for slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE) and Perthes disease.