The skull lateral view is a non-angled lateral radiograph of the skull. This view provides an overview of the entire skull rather than attempting to highlight any one region.
On this page:
This projection is used to evaluate for skull fractures, in addition to neoplastic changes and Paget disease. In the trauma setting, a horizontal beam lateral projection may demonstrate air-fluid levels in the sphenoid sinus 1, an indication of basal skull fracture.
Patient position
the sagittal midline of the patient's head is parallel to the image detector
sella turcica in profile
temporomandibular joints are superimposed
Technical factors
lateral projection
centering point
the beam travels laterally, with 0° of angulation, through a point ~4 cm above the external auditory meatus
superiorly to include skin margins
inferiorly to include base of skull
anteriorly to include frontal bone
posteriorly to the skin margins
detector size
24 cm x 30 cm
60-70 kVp
10-20 mAs
100 cm
Image technical evaluation
the sagittal midline of the patient's head is parallel to the image detector
sella turcica in profile
temporomandibular joints are superimposed
Practical points
remove earrings, glasses, hairclips, hearing aids and dentures to avoid artifact obscuring important pathology