Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

Changed by Ayush Goel, 22 Aug 2014

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Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is characterised by a proliferative periostisisperiostitis involving the long bones seen most commonly in patients with lung, liver, an GI disorders. When associated with a lung condition it is also termed hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropaty (HPOA). It is usually painful and associated with clubbing of the fingers or toes. The causes of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy include:

Radiographic features

Plain film

Typically seen as a long metaphyseal and diaphyseal smooth periosteal reaction involving the long bones.

With disease progression, periostitis becomes more prominent or multilayered, and extends to the epiphyses1.

Differential diagnosis

Consider the differential for a smooth periosteal reaction.

  • -<p><strong>Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy</strong> is characterised by a proliferative periostisis involving the long bones seen most commonly in patients with lung, liver, an GI disorders. When associated with a lung condition it is also termed <strong>hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropaty (HPOA)</strong>. It is usually painful and associated with clubbing of the fingers or toes. The causes of <strong>hypertrophic osteoarthropathy</strong> include :</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy</strong> is characterised by a proliferative periostitis involving the long bones seen most commonly in patients with lung, liver, an GI disorders. When associated with a lung condition it is also termed <strong>hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropaty (HPOA)</strong>. It is usually painful and associated with clubbing of the fingers or toes. The causes of <strong>hypertrophic osteoarthropathy</strong> include:</p><ul>
  • -<a href="/articles/lung-cancer-3">bronchogenic carcinoma </a>: <a href="/articles/non-small-cell-lung-cancer">non small cell lung cancer</a> is the strongest malignant association</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/lung-cancer-3">bronchogenic carcinoma</a>: <a href="/articles/non-small-cell-lung-cancer">non small cell lung cancer</a> is the strongest malignant association</li>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/lung_abscess">lung abscess</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/lung-abscess">lung abscess</a></li>
  • -</ul><h4>Radiographic features</h4><h5>Plain film</h5><p>Typically seen as a long metaphyseal and diaphyseal smooth periosteal reaction involving the long bones.</p><p>With disease progression, periostitis becomes more prominent or multilayered, and extends to the epiphyses<sup>1</sup>.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><ul>
  • +</ul><h4>Radiographic features</h4><h5>Plain film</h5><p>Typically seen as a long metaphyseal and diaphyseal smooth periosteal reaction involving the long bones.</p><p>With disease progression, periostitis becomes more prominent or multilayered, and extends to the epiphyses<sup> 1</sup>.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><ul>
  • -</ul><p>Consider the differential for a <a href="/articles/smooth_periosteal_reaction">smooth periosteal reaction</a>.</p>
  • +</ul><p>Consider the differential for a <a href="/articles/smooth-periosteal-reaction">smooth periosteal reaction</a>.</p>

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