Patient data is a section in cases (visible in edit mode) where patient demographics can be entered. The two fields are:
Please round the patient age to the nearest 5 years for adult patients (i.e. ≥18 years). This is an additional privacy measure.
For pediatric patients, clearly, this would be inappropriate.
The format should include the units of time (usually "years"). For example:
"18" or "19" becomes "20 years"
"17 years" or younger remains unchanged
"52" becomes "50 years"
"3 months" (or weeks/days/hours) does not change
No full stop/period should be included after the word "years":
"20 years" not "20 years."
equally, this applies to other units of time i.e. hours/days/weeks/months when used for infants' ages
For obstetric imaging, the age included in the patient data field should be the gestational age of the fetus, measured in weeks. For example:
"20 weeks gestation"
Where it is relevant to a specific pathology, maternal age may be included in the presentation field along with other relevant clinical details.
For neonatal imaging, both age and gestation can be important details to include in the patient data field.
In term neonates or those for whom gestation is not relevant to the presentation, age may be denoted simply as:
In premature neonates or those for whom gestation is relevant to the presentation, the gestational age should be included in the patient data field. For example:
"Neonate (32 weeks gestation)"
Radiopaedia understands that gender is a social construct and patients may identify differently to their sex. As understanding of this topic has evolved, healthcare and research institutions have adapted the way they capture data to ensure that they have a true representation of their patients’ gender and sex, noting differences between them 1. Radiopaedia is not a research institution and will only capture "gender" in our cases.
The patient data section of our cases is to be treated as a representation of what would be written on a request; in most scenarios, the patient’s karyotype is not pertinent to the case. On the rare occasion it is (whereby the gender and sex do not match and is considered relevant to the clinical aspects of the case) then it can be included in the case data, clinical presentation or case discussion (as it would for any case in which the patients' karyotype is pertinent to the diagnosis).
Contributors have the choice of gender for all cases:
Note: we plan to introduce the ability to also choose "other" (with a free text option) in the near future.