Colorectal cancer

Last revised by Tariq Walizai on 24 Jul 2024

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and is one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies in adults. CT is the mainstay for colon cancer locoregional staging and MRI is the mainstay for rectal cancer locoregional staging.

This article focuses on colon cancer. See also, the rectal cancer standalone article.

Colorectal cancer is common, accounting for 15% of all newly diagnosed cancers, and tends to be a disease of the elderly, with the median age of diagnosis between 60 and 80 years of age 2, slightly younger for rectal cancer. There is also a slight male predilection for rectal cancers, not found in tumours elsewhere in the colon. 

Many predisposing factors have been identified, including:

Recognised hereditary syndromes are seen in 6% of colorectal cancers ref. These include:

Clinical presentation is typically insidious:

However initial manifestation may be acute:

Less common presentations include:

  • that of metastatic disease (e.g. respiratory symptoms from lung metastases)

  • paraneoplastic syndromes (e.g. dermatomyositis)

  • bacteraemia or bacterial endocarditis with Streptococcus bovis (Streptococcus gallolyticus6

In general:

  • right-sided tumours are larger and present with a mass, distant disease or iron deficiency anaemia

  • left-sided tumours present earlier with altered bowel habit

Colorectal cancers, 98% of which are adenocarcinomas, arise in the vast majority of cases from pre-existing colonic adenomas (neoplastic polyps), which progressively undergo a malignant transformation as they accumulate additional mutations 2 (so-called multi-hit hypothesis). 

Morphologically cancers can be:

  • sessile

  • exophytic

  • circumferential (apple core

  • ulcerated 

  • desmoplastic

Rarely the malignant cells will widely invade the submucosa, analogous to linitis plastica of the stomach. These are typically scirrhous adenocarcinomas (signet-ring type).

Metastases may be widespread in advanced disease, although the liver is by far the most common site involved.

Colorectal cancers can be found anywhere from the caecum to the rectum, in the following distribution 2,5:

  • rectosigmoid: 55%

  • caecum and ascending colon: ~20%

    • ileocaecal valve: 2%

  • transverse colon: ~10%

  • descending colon: ~5%

Approximately 10% of colorectal cancers have a BRAF mutation, which is more common in females, right colon colorectal cancer, advanced stage at diagnosis, and a mucinous histology 7

See: colon cancer staging.

  • sensitivities for polyps >1 cm

  • polyps <1 cm: <50% detection 3

Appearances will reflect macroscopic appearance, with lesions seen as filling defects. These need to be differentiated from residual faecal matter. Typically they appear as exophytic or sessile masses or maybe circumferential (apple core sign). Fistulas to bladder, vagina, or bowel may also be demonstrated.

Rarely the stenotic segment will be long particularly with scirrhous adenocarcinomas.

Contrast enhanced CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis is used for locoregional staging of colon cancer, identification of metastatic disease, assessment for suitability of surgical or other interventions, and assessing treatment response 9. CT fails to identify ~15% (range 10-20%) of subsequently proven colon cancers 13.

Most colorectal cancers are of soft tissue density that narrow the bowel lumen 4. Ulceration in larger masses is also seen. Occasionally low-density masses with low-density lymph nodes are seen in mucinous tumours. Psammomatous calcifications in mucinous adenocarcinoma can also be present.

Findings such as fat stranding, dilated vasa recta, and enlarged lymph nodes are helpful secondary features to identify colon cancers 13.

Complications may also be evident, e.g. fistula, obstruction, intussusception, perforation 4.

T-staging of CRC with CT is limited by soft tissue resolution with a sensitivity of 77% (range 61-87%) and specificity of 70% (range 49-89%), although accuracy can be improved by the use of multidecetctor CT, multiplanar reformats (MPR), and thin (0.6-1.5 mm) slices 9,10,12. The main use of CT is differentiating early disease (T1-T3ab) with <5 mm of extramural extension from advanced disease (T3cd/4) disease >5 mm of extramural extension as neoadjuvant therapy can be indicated for the latter 10-13.

Other important prognostic factors such as tumour deposits and extramural venous invasion (EMVI) can be detected on CT. The latter is best done on a portal venous phase 14.

Similarly, N-staging of CRC also suffers from relatively poor accuracy (positive predictive value ~60%) as normal, inflammatory (reactive), and malignant nodes can have a similar appearance 9,12. Indicators of nodal disease include size >10 mm alone or >5 mm along with internal heterogeneous density and/or irregular borders 12,13, and nodal clustering near the tumour or supplying vessels but none are proven strongly as diagnostic criteria 12.

M-staging of distant nodal disease and haemotogeneous metastases can also be performed with CT 12.

MRI is the primary modality for the locoregional staging of rectal cancer, as well as in the assessment of potentially resectable liver metastases 9.

Early-stage colon cancer standard treatment is surgical resection of the primary tumour and regional lymph nodes, which may be followed by adjuvent chemotherapy for stage 2 disease depending on individual risk factors 12. Adjuvant chemotherapy is recommended for stage 3 disease 12.

BRAF-mutated colorectal cancer has a poorer prognosis with a median survival of <12 months 7.

Recurrence is common:

The tumour marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is routinely used for detecting postoperative early recurrence and metastatic disease (especially liver disease). It is also used for monitoring response to treatment of metastatic disease.

  • as with most tumour markers, it is inappropriate for screening given its poor sensitivity and specificity

  • higher levels of CEA are associated with:

    • higher grade tumours

    • higher stage disease

    • visceral metastases (especially liver metastases)

Screening recommendations are contentious and vary widely from country to country. An example would be ref:

  • for persons >50 years of age: an annual faecal occult blood test (often a faecal immunochemical test (FIT)) and sigmoidoscopy/barium enema every 3 to 5 years

  • for first-degree relatives of patients with colon cancer: screening should start at age 40

On CT colonography, the two most useful discriminators of colorectal carcinoma and diverticular disease are absence of diverticula within the affected segment, and shouldered edges, with both features having a high negative and positive predictive value for carcinoma 8. Other features favouring carcinoma include a shorter segment length, destroyed mucosal folds, straightening of the segment, absence of thickened fascia, and more and larger locoregional nodes.

Other imaging differential considerations on CT include:

Cases and figures

  • Figure 1: gross pathology - stenosing adenocarcinoma
  • Figure 2: gross pathology - with extramural spread
  • Figure 3: CT/MRI/gross pathology
  • Case 1: with colovesical fistula
  • Case 2: barium, sigmoid
  • Case 3: MRI, rectosigmoid
  • Case 4: hepatic flexure
  • Case 5: caecal causing small bowel obstruction
  • Case 6: descending colon
  • Case 7: with background FAP
  • Case 8: apple core sign
  • Case 9: rectal, with ulcerative colitis
  • Case 10: caecal adenocarcinoma
  • Case 11: rectosigmoid with hepatic deposit
  • Case 12: sigmoid with large bowel obstruction
  • Case 13: descending colon
  • Case 14: rectosigmoid, perforated
  • Case 15: sigmoid, with metastases
  • Case 16: caecal on barium study
  • Case 17: descending colon
  • Case 18: ascending
  • Case 19: ascending
  • Case 20: caecal
  • Case 21: splenic flexure
  • Case 22: rectosigmoid
  • Case 23: sigmoid T4a N2
  • Case 24: within a sigmoid diverticular segment
  • Case 25: caecal with appendiceal mucocele
  • Case 26: descending
  • Case 27: rectosigmoid with peritoneal carcinomatosis
  • Case 28: causing intussusception
  • Case 29: rectosigmoid, with rectal contrast
  • Case 30: ascending
  • Case 31: metastatic rectosigmoid
  • Case 32: descending
  • Case 33: locally advanced caecal
  • Case 34: caecal and ascending
  • Case 35: hepatic flexure, barium enema
  • Case 36: ascending colon adenocarcinoma
  • Case 37
  • Case 38: ileocaecal adenocarcinoma
  • Case 39: sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma
  • Case 40: metastatic
  • Case 41: causing ileocolocolic intussusception
  • 42: metastatic
  • 43: ileocaecal adenocarcinoma
  • Case 44: Transverse colon cancer
  • Case 45: causing colocolic intussusception
  • Case 46: metastatic
  • Case 47: causing intussusception
  • Case 48: metastatic sigmoid colon cancer
  • Case 49
  • Case 50: metastatic and obstructing
  • Case 51
  • Case 52
  • Case 53: metastatic
  • Case 54: metastatic caecal adenocarcinoma
  • Case 55: locally advanced
  • Case 56: metastatic
  • Case 57
  • Case 58: in a patient with ulcerative colitis
  • Case 58: causes colocolic intussusception
  • Case 59: Metastatic rectosigmoid cancer with polycystic kidney and liver disease
  • Case 60: perforated
  • Case 61: perforated
  • Case 62: adenocarcinoma of the caecum
  • Case 63: causes intussusception
  • Case 64: in a patient with ulcerative colitis
  • Case 65
  • Case 66: sigmoid intussusception

Imaging differential diagnosis

  • Colonic perforation from FB with colonoscopic concern for malignancy
  • Colonic diverticulitis
  • Large bowel watershed ischaemia
  • Sigmoid diverticular stricture
  • Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the colon

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