Tags on Radiopaedia allow authors to specify a little more about the article topic and allow articles to be more closely related to similar articles.
Additionally, there are several 'official tags':
cases: [articles only]
cases needed to illustrate the article
this adds the 'cases needed' info box in the right-hand column
add the cases tag if the article could benefit from the addition of additional imaging example(s)
as a rough guide, removal of the 'cases' tag may be appropriate for articles with:
longer articles/important conditions: four or more cases
shorter articles/rarer conditions: two or more cases
duplicate: there is another article covering the same topic - these need to be merged and incoming links checked
refs: [articles only] references needed to complete the article
stub: [articles only] article is a stub, adds the stub transclusion
snippet: the article needs to be added to the "Related Radiopaedia articles" snippet
external links: the article contains any external links or links to other online resources
a case is most suitable/relevant to medical students, interns and junior residents (e.g. PGY1-2)
cases are of important/common conditions with typical appearances
intermediate: (e.g. PGY3-4)
a case is suitable/relevant to senior radiology registrars/residents (PGY4-5)/fellows and consultants/attendings
cases are of rare/uncommon conditions or demonstrate atypical appearances
poor quality images: the case includes images that are of poor quality (see: image preparation)
stack-it: case contains multiple sequential cross-sectional images which should be in a stack
crop: cases that require image cropping
discussion: cases that require a case discussion
legacy: a case that has educational value but does not meet current case publishing guidelines (see: legacy cases)
external links: the article contains any external links or links to other online resources (see: linking)