Ossification centers of the hand
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Hacking C, Lustosa L, Ossification centers of the hand. Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 21 Mar 2025) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-83305
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At the time the article was created Craig Hacking had no recorded disclosures.
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Last revised:
At the time the article was last revised Leonardo Lustosa had no recorded disclosures.
View Leonardo Lustosa's current disclosures
3 times, by
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Primary ossification centers present at birth
Visible on x-ray from birth:
- metacarpal diaphyses: 9 weeks in utero
- phalangeal diaphyses: 9-12 weeks in utero
Primary ossification centers developing after birth
Ossification of the carpal bones occurs in a predictable sequence, starting with the capitate and ending with the pisiform.
At birth, there is no calcification in the carpal bones. Although there is great individual variability, approximate ossification times are as follows (visible on x-ray):
- capitate: 1-3 months
- hamate: 2-4 months
- triquetral: 2-3 years
- lunate: 2-4 years
- scaphoid: 4-6 years
- trapezium: 4-6 years
- trapezoid: 4-6 years
- pisiform: 8-12 years
Excluding the pisiform, a handy way to remember the order of ossification is to start at the capitate then move in an counterclockwise direction on the volar surface of the right carpus.
Secondary ossification centers
- metacarpal heads: 1-2 years and fuse at 14-19 years
- phalangeal bases: 1-3 years and fuse at 14-19 years
- 1. Butler P, Mitchell A, Healy JC. Applied Radiological Anatomy. Cambridge University Press. (2012) ISBN:0521766664. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
- 2. Susan Standring. Gray's Anatomy. ISBN: 9780702052309
- 3. Robert H. Whitaker, Neil R. Borley. Instant Anatomy. ISBN: 9780632054039
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