Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
At the time the article was created Callum Smith had no recorded disclosures.
View Callum Smith's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Josef Kusayev had no recorded disclosures.
View Josef Kusayev's current disclosures- Cerebellar vermis
The vermis (pl: vermes) of the cerebellum is an unpaired medial structure that separates the cerebellar hemispheres. Its anatomy broadly follows that of the cerebellar hemispheres.
Gross anatomy
The vermis is separated into a small anterior lobe and a much larger posterior lobe by the primary fissure. It can be further subdivided into nine lobules which are formed by groups of folia (sing: folium) that correspond to paired cerebellar hemisphere lobules. These are subject to variability in terms of their size, shape and number of folia 1-4.
- anterior lobe
- lingula
- central lobule
- culmen
- primary (tentorial) fissure
- posterior lobe
- declive
- folium
- horizontal (petrosal) fissure
- tuber
- prebiventral/prepyramidal (suboccipital) fissure
- pyramid
- uvula
- flocculonodular lobe
- nodulus
A helpful mnemonic to remember the lobules of the vermis can be found here.
Related pathology
- 1. Courchesne E, Press GA, Murakami J, Berthoty D, Grafe M, Wiley CA, Hesselink JR. The cerebellum in sagittal plane--anatomic-MR correlation: 1. The vermis. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. 153 (4): 829-35. doi:10.2214/ajr.153.4.829 - Pubmed
- 2. J. Randy Jinkins. Atlas of Neuroradiologic Embryology, Anatomy, and Variants. ISBN: 9780781716529
- 3. Mcminn. Last's Anatomy. ISBN: 9780729537520
- 4. Toshio Matsushima. Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgery of the Posterior Cranial Fossa. ISBN: 9784431541837
Incoming Links
- Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
- Head ultrasound
- Superior cerebellar artery
- Adult polyglucosan body disease
- Joubert syndrome
- Superior cerebellar artery infarct
- Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
- Superior cerebellar cistern
- Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
- Chiari II malformation
- Blake's pouch cyst
- Medulloblastoma
- Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system
- Superior medullary velum
- Superior vermian vein
- Isolated inferior vermian hypoplasia
- Minamata disease
- Cerebellum
- Dandy-Walker malformation
- Joubert syndrome related disorders (JSRD)
- Joubert syndrome
- Vermian infarct
- Medulloblastoma
- Diffuse cerebellar atrophy
- Corpus callosum dysgenesis with cerebellar vermis dysplasia and hypoplastic pons
- Joubert syndrome
- Cerebellar vermis (illustration)
- Incidentally discovered metastatic renal cell carcinoma
- Pontocerebellar hypoplasia
- Joubert syndrome with schizencephaly and posterior fossa cyst
- Joubert syndrome
- Blake's pouch cyst
- Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- Cerebellar mutism syndrome and pilocytic astrocytoma
- Acute cerebellitis
- Leptomeningeal drop metastases - medulloblastoma
- Superior cerebellar arachnoid cyst
- Joubert syndrome
- Medulloblastoma
Related articles: Anatomy: Brain
- grey matter
- white matter
cerebral hemisphere (telencephalon)
- cerebral lobes and gyri
- frontal lobe
- parietal lobe
occipital lobe
- occipital pole
- lingual gyrus
- fusiform gyrus (Brodmann area 37)
- calcarine (visual) cortex
- cuneus
- temporal lobe
- basal forebrain
- limbic system
- insula
cerebral sulci and fissures (A-Z)
- calcarine fissure
- callosal sulcus
- central (Rolandic) sulcus
- cingulate sulcus
- collateral sulcus
- inferior frontal sulcus
- inferior occipital sulcus
- inferior temporal sulcus
- interhemispheric fissure
- intraparietal sulcus
- lateral (Sylvian) sulcus
- lateral occipital sulcus
- marginal sulcus
- occipitotemporal sulcus
- olfactory sulcus
- paracentral sulcus
- paraolfactory sulcus
- parieto-occipital fissure
- posterior parolfactory sulcus
- precentral sulcus
- preoccipital notch
- postcentral sulcus
- rhinal sulcus
- rostral sulcus
- subparietal sulcus
- superior frontal sulcus
- superior occipital sulcus
- superior temporal sulcus
- cortical histology
- cerebral lobes and gyri
- white matter tracts
- deep grey matter
pituitary gland
- posterior pituitary and stalk (part of diencephalon)
- anterior pituitary
- inferior hypophyseal arterial circle
- diencephalon
cerebral hemisphere (telencephalon)
- midbrain (mesencephalon)
- pons (part of metencephalon)
- medulla oblongata (myelencephalon)
- white matter
grey matter
- non-cranial nerve
cranial nerve nuclei
- oculomotor nucleus
- Edinger-Westphal nucleus
- trochlear nucleus
- motor nucleus of CN V
- mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
- main sensory nucleus of CN V
- spinal nucleus of CN V
- abducent nucleus
- facial nucleus
- superior salivatory nucleus
- cochlear nuclei
- vestibular nuclei
- inferior salivatory nucleus
- solitary tract nucleus
- ambiguus nucleus
- dorsal vagal motor nucleus
- hypoglossal nucleus
cerebellum (part of metencephalon)
- vermis
- cerebellar hemisphere
- cerebellar peduncles
- cranial meninges (meninx primitiva)
- CSF spaces
cranial nerves (mnemonic)
- olfactory nerve (CN I)
- optic nerve (CN II)
- oculomotor nerve (CN III)
- trochlear nerve (CN IV)
- trigeminal nerve (CN V) (mnemonic)
- abducens nerve (CN VI)
- facial nerve (CN VII) (segments mnemonic | branches mnemonic)
vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
- vestibular ganglion (Scarpa's ganglion)
- glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- vagus nerve (CN X)
- spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
- hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
- functional neuroanatomy
- CNS development
- cerebral vascular supply
- arteries
- vascular territories
circle of Willis
- internal carotid artery (ICA) (segments)
- vertebral artery
normal variants
- intracranial arterial fenestration
- internal carotid artery (ICA)
- anterior cerebral artery (ACA)
- middle cerebral artery (MCA)
- posterior cerebral artery (PCA)
- basilar artery
- persistent carotid-vertebrobasilar artery anastomoses (mnemonic)
- vertebral artery
- ophthalmic artery
cerebral venous system
dural venous sinuses
- basilar venous plexus
- cavernous sinus (mnemonic)
- clival diploic veins
- inferior petro-occipital vein
- inferior petrosal sinus
- inferior sagittal sinus
- intercavernous sinus
- internal carotid artery venous plexus of Rektorzik
- jugular bulb
- marginal sinus
- occipital sinus
- sigmoid sinus
- sphenoparietal sinus
- straight sinus
- superior petrosal sinus
- superior sagittal sinus
- torcula herophili
- transverse sinus
cerebral veins
superficial veins of the brain
- superior cerebral veins (superficial cerebral veins)
- inferior cerebral veins
- superficial middle cerebral vein
- superior anastomotic vein (of Trolard)
- inferior anastomotic vein (of Labbe)
superficial veins of the brain
deep veins of the brain
- great cerebral vein (of Galen)
- venous circle of Trolard
- normal variants
dural venous sinuses
- arteries
- glymphatic pathway