Last revised by Doaa Faris Jabaz
on 16 Dec 2022
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Smith L, Jabaz D, Knipe H, et al. Acromion. Reference article, (Accessed on 10 Mar 2025)
Article created:
13 Jun 2015,
Laura Smith
At the time the article was created Laura Smith had no recorded disclosures.
View Laura Smith's current disclosures
Last revised:
16 Dec 2022,
Doaa Faris Jabaz
At the time the article was last revised Doaa Faris Jabaz had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Doaa Faris Jabaz's current disclosures
9 times, by
8 contributors -
see full revision history and disclosures
- Acromion process
- Acromial process
- Acromia
The acromion (plural: acromia), also known as the acromial process, is a small projection of the scapula that extends anteriorly from the spine of the scapula.
On this page:
Gross anatomy
It forms the acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) with the lateral third of the clavicle and also connects with the coracoid process via the coracoacromial ligament.
- mid-portion of deltoid muscle originates from the acromion 1
- acromioclavicular ligament attaches to the clavicle
- coracoacromial ligament attaches to the coracoid
Arterial supply
- primary nutrient branch of the subscapular artery and suprascapular arteries 2
Variant anatomy
There are a number of acromial types, which reflect the inferior surface shape of the acromion 1:
- type 1: flat acromion
- type 2: curved acromion
- type 3: hooked acromion
- type 4: convex
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Related pathology
Quiz questions
- 1. Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Shoulder. Springer. ISBN:3662457180. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
- 2. Brookes M, Revell WJ. Blood Supply of Bone: Scientific Aspects. Springer. ISBN:1447115457. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
Incoming Links
- Coracoacromial arch
- Shoulder (superior-inferior axial view)
- Supra-acromial bursa
- Acromioclavicular joint
- Biceps pulley injury
- Acromial spur
- Inferior shoulder dislocation
- Acromion fracture
- Lateral acromial angle
- Deltoid muscle
- Coracoacromial ligament
- Rockwood classification of acromioclavicular joint injury
- Acromioclavicular joint configuration
- Downsloping lateral acromion
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
- Subacromial-subdeltoid bursa
- Apophyseal stress injury
- Os acromiale
- MRI of the shoulder (an approach)
- Multiple myeloma
- Acromion fracture
- Rim rent supraspinatus tear
- Os acromiale
- Acromial fracture
- Acromial fracture
- Acromioclavicular injury - Rockwood type III
- Shoulder radiograph - AP (anatomy quiz)
- Acromion process fracture
- Acromioclavicular joint injury - grade II
- Shoulder - annotated x-rays
- Anatomy Quiz - Shoulder Axial View
- Acromial fracture
- Os acromiale
Multiple choice questions:
Related articles: Anatomy: Upper limb
skeleton of the upper limb
- clavicle[+][+]
- scapula
- humerus[+][+]
- radius[+][+]
- ulna
- hand[+][+]
- accessory ossicles of the upper limb[+][+]
- accessory ossicles of the shoulder
- accessory ossicles of the elbow
accessory ossicles of the wrist (mnemonic)
- os centrale carpi
- os epilunate
- os epitriquetrum
- os styloideum
- os hamuli proprium
- lunula
- os triangulare
- trapezium secondarium
- os paratrapezium
- os radiostyloideum (persistent radial styloid)
- joints of the upper limb[+][+]
pectoral girdle
shoulder joint
- articulations
- associated structures
- joint capsule
- bursae
- ligaments
- movements
- scapulothoracic joint
glenohumeral joint
- arm flexion
- arm extension
- arm abduction
- arm adduction
- arm internal rotation (medial rotation)
- arm external rotation (lateral rotation)
- circumduction
- arterial supply - scapular anastomosis
- ossification centers
shoulder joint
elbow joint
- proximal radioulnar joint
- ligaments
- associated structures
- movements
- alignment
- arterial supply - elbow anastomosis
- development
wrist joint
- articulations
- intrinsic ligaments
- extrinsic ligaments
- radioscaphoid ligament
- dorsal intercarpal ligament
- dorsal radiotriquetral ligament
- dorsal radioulnar ligament
- volar radioulnar ligament
- radioscaphocapitate ligament
- long radiolunate ligament
- Vickers ligament
- short radiolunate ligament
- ulnolunate ligament
- ulnotriquetral ligament
- ulnocapitate ligament
- ulnar collateral ligament
- associated structures
- extensor retinaculum
- flexor retinaculum
- joint capsule
- movements
- alignment
- ossification centers
hand joints
- articulations
- carpometacarpal joint
metacarpophalangeal joints
- palmar ligament (plate)
- collateral ligament
interphalangeal joints
- palmar ligament (plate)
- collateral ligament
- movements
- ossification centers
- articulations
pectoral girdle
- spaces of the upper limb[+][+]
- muscles of the upper limb[+][+]
- shoulder girdle
- anterior compartment of the arm
- posterior compartment of the arm
anterior compartment of the forearm
- superficial
- intermediate
- deep
posterior compartment of the forearm (extensors)
- superficial
- deep
- muscles of the hand
accessory muscles
- elbow
- volar wrist midline
- palmaris longus profundus
- aberrant palmaris longus
- volar wrist radial-side
- accessory flexor digitorum superficialis indicis
- flexor indicis profundus
- flexor carpi radialis vel profundus
- accessory head of the flexor pollicis longus (Gantzer muscle, common)
- volar wrist ulnar-side
- dorsal wrist
- blood supply to the upper limb[+][+]
- subclavian artery (mnemonic)
- axillary artery
- brachial artery (proximal portion)
- ulnar artery
- radial artery
- veins
- innervation of the upper limb[+][+]
- intercostobrachial nerve
brachial plexus (mnemonic)
- branches from the roots
- branches from the trunks
- branches from the cords
- lateral cord
- posterior cord
- medial cord
- terminal branches
- lymphatic drainage of the upper limb[+][+]