Avascular plane of Brodel
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At the time the article was created Omar Bashir had no recorded disclosures.
View Omar Bashir's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Daniel J Bell had no recorded disclosures.
View Daniel J Bell's current disclosures- Brodel bloodless line of incision
The avascular plane of Brodel is the section of renal parenchyma between 2/3 anterior and 1/3 posterior kidney on the cross-section that is relatively avascular. The reason for its relative avascularity is that it represents the plane where the anterior and posterior segmental renal artery branches meet.
It is located just posterior to the lateral convex border of the kidney and permits a relatively safe access route to the pelvicalyceal system for nephrostomy insertion.
History and etymology
Paul Heinrich Max Brödel (1870–1941) was a masterful American-German medical artist, deservedly remembered as the founder of the department of medical illustration at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. However he was also a renowned anatomist, publishing extensively on renal structure and creating a surgical technique known as the Brödel suture, employed in nephropexy 2.
- 1. Dyer RB, Regan JD, Kavanagh PV et-al. Percutaneous nephrostomy with extensions of the technique: step by step. Radiographics. 22 (3): 503-25. Radiographics (full text) - Pubmed citation
- 2. DiPoce J, Jimenez G, Weintraub J. Historical perspective: eponyms of vascular radiology. (2014) Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. 34 (4): 1120-40. doi:10.1148/rg.344130125 - Pubmed
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