Abnormally thickened endometrium (differential)
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Radswiki T, Campos A, Jones J, et al. Abnormally thickened endometrium (differential). Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 29 Mar 2025) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-15021
Article created:
15 Sep 2011,
The Radswiki ◉
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At the time the article was last revised Arlene Campos had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
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27 times, by
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- Endometrial thickening
- Differential diagnosis of an abnormally thickened endometrium
- Differential diagnosis of an abnormal endometrial thickness
- Abnormal endometrial thickening
- Thickened endometrium
Abnormally thickened endometrium on imaging may occur for a number of reasons which may be categorized based on whether or not they are related to pregnancy. Etiologies may also be classified based on whether the patient is premenopausal or postmenopausal.
On this page:
Differential diagnosis
- early pregnancy: prior to sac being visualized (<5 weeks of gestation)
- ectopic pregnancy: thickened endometrium and sometimes fluid collection or pseudogestational sac can be associated
retained products of conception
- heterogeneously thickened endometrium, with increased vascularity
- may be fluid collection(s)
- findings are usually associated with an enlarged uterus
- intrauterine blood clot: heterogeneous endometrium with no vascularity
- molar pregnancy: thickened with multiple small cystic spaces
- recent gestational state (delivery)
Non-pregnancy related
- endometrial carcinoma: variable appearance
- endometrial hyperplasia: usually uniformly hyperechoic and tends to be diffuse. Can be a differential diagnosis of many conditions i.e. PCOS
- endometrial polyp: usually hyperechoic, often focal, look for vascular stalk
- Tamoxifen-related endometrial changes: variable appearances
- hormone replacement therapy (HRT): in postmenopausal female
- endometritis: prominent hyperechoic endometrium +/- fluid and debris
- submucosal fibroid with degeneration
- adhesions: irregular echogenic areas with focal thickening
- obstructed outlet
- ovarian tumors associated with endometrial thickening
Practical points
- endometrial thickness in the secretory phase (days 14-28) may normally be up to 12-16 mm (see: endometrial thickness)
- non-emergent ultrasounds are optimally evaluated at day 5-10 of the menstrual cycle to reduce the wide variation in endometrial thickness
- the thickest portion of the endometrium should be measured
- if there is fluid in the uterine cavity, it should be excluded from the measurement, which would be the sum of the two sagittal plane thicknesses
- ~10% of endometrial carcinoma occurs in premenopausal women
See also
- 1. Smith-bindman R, Weiss E, Feldstein V. How thick is too thick? When endometrial thickness should prompt biopsy in postmenopausal women without vaginal bleeding. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2004;24 (5): 558-65. doi:10.1002/uog.1704 - Pubmed citation
- 2. Nalaboff KM, Pellerito JS, Ben-levi E. Imaging the endometrium: disease and normal variants. Radiographics. 21 (6): 1409-24. Radiographics (full text) - Pubmed citation
- 3. Jorizzo JR, Chen MY, Martin D et-al. Spectrum of endometrial hyperplasia and its mimics on saline hysterosonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002;179 (2): 385-9. AJR Am J Roentgenol (full text) - Pubmed citation
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