Ovarian fibrothecoma
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View Tariq Walizai's current disclosures- Ovarian fibrothecomas
- Fibrothecoma of the ovary
Ovarian fibrothecomas comprise tumors in the spectrum of ovarian sex cord / stromal tumors where there are components of both an ovarian fibroma and an ovarian thecoma.
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Most occur in adult women, with ~66% in postmenopausal women. Although they account for ~1% of all ovarian tumors 5, they are the most common benign solid ovarian tumor. It represents <2% of pediatric ovarian tumors.
Clinical presentation
The thecoma component of a fibrothecoma can secrete estrogen, and the patient may present with abnormal vaginal bleeding and endometrial hyperplasia.
These tumors have a variable amount of both fibrous tissue (see ovarian fibroma) and thecal cells (see ovarian thecoma).
Radiographic features
They may be seen as a homogeneous hypoechoic mass with posterior acoustic shadowing, although in most cases the sonographic appearance is nonspecific.
The vast majority (~80%) of ovarian fibrothecomas appear as solid masses with a delayed accumulation of contrast medium. On dynamic CT, there is an absence of arterial vessels and absence or slight early uptake of contrast enhancement 3. Calcification may be present and, as these tumors enlarge, myxoid or cystic degeneration may occur, resulting in a heterogeneous pattern 4.
Reported signal characteristics include 1:
T1: typically shows homogeneous low signal intensity
lesions show predominantly homogeneous low signal intensity (from fibrous components)
scattered high signal areas may be present, representing areas of cystic degeneration +/- edema
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Treatment and prognosis
Most cases are benign and surgical resection is curative.
Fibrothecomas are at risk for adnexal torsion, particularly with large tumors 4. As with pure ovarian fibromas, Meigs syndrome may complicate ~1% of cases.
Differential diagnosis
Consider other forms of ovarian tumors (especially fibrous components such as ovarian fibroma).
- 1. Troiano RN, Lazzarini KM, Scoutt LM et-al. Fibroma and fibrothecoma of the ovary: MR imaging findings. Radiology. 1997;204 (3): 795-8. Radiology (abstract) - Pubmed citation
- 2. Jung SE, Lee JM, Rha SE et-al. CT and MR imaging of ovarian tumors with emphasis on differential diagnosis. Radiographics. 22 (6): 1305-25. doi:10.1148/rg.226025033 - Pubmed citation
- 3. Bazot M, Ghossain MA, Buy JN et-al. Fibrothecomas of the ovary: CT and US findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 17 (5): 754-9. - Pubmed citation
- 4. Mak CW, Tzeng WS, Chen CY. Computed tomography appearance of ovarian fibrothecomas with and without torsion. Acta Radiol. 2009;50 (5): 570-5. doi:10.1080/02841850902896163 - Pubmed citation
- 5. Hodler J, Schulthess GK, Zollikofer CL. Diseases of the Abdomen and Pelvis 2010-2013, Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques. Springer. (2010) ISBN:8847016363. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
- 6. Outwater EK, Wagner BJ, Mannion C et-al. Sex cord-stromal and steroid cell tumors of the ovary. Radiographics. 18 (6): 1523-46. Radiographics (abstract) - Pubmed citation
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- Ovarian fibroma
- Ovarian lesions with T2 hypointensity
- Ovarian hyperthecosis
- Broad ligament leiomyoma
- Ovarian thecoma
- Ovarian fibromatosis
- Brenner tumour
- Ovarian tumours
- Ovarian tumours associated with endometrial thickening
- Predominantly solid ovarian neoplasms
- Sex cord / stromal ovarian tumours
- Meigs syndrome
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