Color-write priority

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 22 Aug 2020

Color-write priority is an adjustable setting of color Doppler duplex ultrasound and determines whether a particular pixel on the image displays color or grayscale B-mode information at the moment.

Color-write priority is rarely changed directly during routine ultrasound imaging, even though it can significantly improve flow detection in low caliber vessels. While in large vessels there is a well-defined, mostly anechoic lumen easily written over with color information, the visible lumen of small vessels not only has a more discrete lumen, but it is also less likely to be anechoic due to e.g. reverberation artifacts. Adjusting the color-write priority (usually displayed as a horizontal bar on the grayscale spectrum) can facilitate the display of these vessels. This can be particularly useful e.g. in the interrogation of testicular blood flow 1. This also explains while less echogenic structures such as cysts are more likely to display color Doppler (flash) artifacts, as in the absence of significant B-mode signal the system will more easily overwrite the grayscale image with spurious color noise 2

Cases and figures

  • Figure 1: high threshold
  • Figure 2: low threshold, hypoechogenic areas display spurious noise

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