≤11 ribs (differential)
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Morgan M, Sharma R, Jones J, et al. ≤11 ribs (differential). Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 26 Mar 2025) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-33789
Article created:
At the time the article was created Matt A. Morgan had no recorded disclosures.
View Matt A. Morgan's current disclosures
Last revised:
At the time the article was last revised Rohit Sharma had no recorded disclosures.
View Rohit Sharma's current disclosures
14 times, by
10 contributors -
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- Eleven ribs
- Less than 12 ribs
- Less than twelve ribs
- <12 ribs
- 11 or less ribs
- Reduced rib number
- Reduced number of ribs
- Ten ribs
- 10 ribs
- Decreased number of ribs
- 22 ribs
- 11 pairs of ribs or less
- 11 pairs of ribs
≤11 ribs is associated with a number of congenital abnormalities and skeletal dysplasias, including:
- Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
- campomelic dysplasia
- kyphomelic dysplasias
- asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune syndrome)
- short rib polydactyly syndromes
- trisomy 18
- chromosome 1q21.1 deletion syndrome
- atelosteogenesis
- spondylocostal dysostosis
- spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Sedaghatian type
- Ritscher-Schinzel syndrome
However, it is important to note that up to 8% of individuals have been found to have 11 pairs of ribs, as an anatomic variant, without any apparent deleterious clinical sequelae 1.
- 1. Glass R, Norton K, Mitre S, Kang E. Pediatric Ribs: A Spectrum of Abnormalities. RadioGraphics. 2002;22(1):87-104. doi:10.1148/radiographics.22.1.g02ja1287
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