Duplex appendix
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At the time the article was created Aditya Shetty had no recorded disclosures.
View Aditya Shetty's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Henry Knipe had the following disclosures:
- Micro-X Ltd, Shareholder (past)
These were assessed during peer review and were determined to not be relevant to the changes that were made.
View Henry Knipe's current disclosures- Double appendix
- Duplication of appendix
- Duplicated appendix
Duplex appendix is a rare anomaly of the appendix and is usually discovered incidentally during surgery for appendicitis.
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Duplication of the vermiform appendix is extremely rare. It is found in only 1 in 25,000 patients (incidence ~0.004%) operated on for acute appendicitis. Although duplication anomalies are uncommon, they have clinical and medicolegal significance.
A case is also reported in which a child had two appendicectomies performed in a 5 month period.
When anomalies of the appendix are detected in childhood they are nearly always associated with severe intestinal, genitourinary or bony malformations, seen most often in conjunction with type B1 and C duplications.
This classification was proposed by Wallbridge in 1963, and at the time of writing (July 2016) remains the most widely accepted classification.
The Cave-Wallbridge classification divides appendix duplications into three types:
type A: single caecum with one normally localised appendix exhibiting partial duplication
type B: single caecum with two completely separate appendices and divided into two further subgroups
type B1 (‘bird-like type’): two appendices located symmetrically on either side of the ileocaecal valve, resembling the normal arrangement in birds
type B2 (‘taenia coli’ type): one appendix arises from the caecum at the usual site, and the second branches at varying distances along the lines of the taenia from the first
type C: double caecum, each bearing its own appendix
Some authors have since described further types of complex multiplicity of the appendix. For example, "horseshoe appendix", "duplicated appendix and caecum"6, and "triple appendix" but these are often only diagnosed at surgery and not with imaging.
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Differential diagnosis
Possibilities to consider include:
- 1. Heetun M, Stavrinides V, Keeler B, Phillips D, Taylor A. A Tale of Two Appendices - an Unexpected Finding. S Afr J Surg. 2013;51(1):32-3. doi:10.7196/sajs.1217 - Pubmed
- 2. Christodoulidis G, Symeonidis D, Spyridakis M et al. Acute Appendicitis in a Duplicated Appendix. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2012;3(11):559-62. doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2012.08.004 - Pubmed
- 3. Robertson D. Appendix Vermiformis Duplex. Can Med Assoc J. 1940;43(2):159-61. PMC538091 - Pubmed
- 4. Sobhian B, Mostegel M, Kunc C, Karner J. [Appendix Vermiformis Duplex--A Rare Surprise]. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2005;117(13-14):492-4. doi:10.1007/s00508-005-0390-3 - Pubmed
- 5. Peddu P & Sidhu P. Appearance of a Type B Duplex Appendix on Barium Enema. Br J Radiol. 2004;77(915):248-9. doi:10.1259/bjr/65763747 - Pubmed
- 6. Kim E & McClenathan J. Unusual Duplication of Appendix and Cecum: Extension of the Cave-Wallbridge Classification. J Pediatr Surg. 2001;36(9):E18. doi:10.1053/jpsu.2001.26400 - Pubmed
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