Manubriosternal joint
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At the time the article was created James Ling had no recorded disclosures.
View James Ling's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Henry Knipe had the following disclosures:
- Integral Diagnostics, Shareholder (ongoing)
- Micro-X Ltd, Shareholder (ongoing)
These were assessed during peer review and were determined to not be relevant to the changes that were made.
View Henry Knipe's current disclosures- Sternomanubrial joint
The manubriosternal joint, sometimes referred to as the sternomanubrial joint, is the articulation between the upper two parts of the sternum, the manubrium and sternal body. It is at the level of the sternal angle or angle of Louis, which is at the 2nd costal cartilage and the intervertebral disc of T4 and T5 1. This forms an important palpable landmark for clinical examination
Gross anatomy
The manubriosternal joint is a type of secondary cartilaginous joint or symphysis, formed by the inferior border of the manubrium and the superior border of the sternal body. Both sides of the joint are irregular and undulating and covered with hyaline cartilage 2. However, it is not a typical secondary cartilaginous joint as the bones may ossify later in adult life 3. The joint has an anterior and posterior ligament 4.
There is very little movement of the manubriosternal joint but there may be a small amount of angular movement during respiration 5.
Related pathology
- 1. Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley, A. M. R. Agur. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. (2013) ISBN: 9781451119459 - Google Books
- 2. Chummy S. Sinnatamby. Last's Anatomy. (2011) ISBN: 9780702033957 - Google Books
- 3. VISHRAM. SINGH. Textbook of Anatomy (Regional and Clinical) Upper Limb and Thorax:. (2014) ISBN: 9788131237298 - Google Books
- 4. Cheney N, Taylor B, French B, Esterline W. Traumatic Sternomanubrial Instability and Arthrosis: A Case Report and Review. JBJS Case Connect. 2012;2(4):e67. doi:10.2106/JBJS.CC.L.00011 - Pubmed
- 5. Henry Gray, Patricia Collins. Gray's Anatomy. (2005) ISBN: 9780443071683 - Google Books
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