Last revised by Yuranga Weerakkody on 29 Jan 2025

Lung-RADS (Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System), is a classification system to aid interpretation of findings in low-dose CT screening exams for lung cancer, and standardize follow-up and management decisions. The system is similar to the Fleischner criteria, but designed for the subset of patients intended for low-dose screening studies. The classification was updated in 2019 (Lung-RADS version 1.1 5) and 2022 (Lung-RADS v2022 6).

  • prior CT studies were performed but are not available

  • lungs incompletely imaged

  • findings suggest inflammation or infection

  • no lung nodules

  • lung nodule(s) with specific findings favoring benign nodule(s)

    • complete calcification

    • central calcification

    • popcorn calcification

    • calcification in concentric rings

    • fat-containing nodules

  • juxtapleural nodule <10mm mean diameter at baseline OR new and smooth, solid, oval, lentiform, or triangular

  • solid nodule(s)

    • <6 mm at baseline

    • new nodule <4 mm

  • part-solid nodule < 6 mm total mean diameter at baseline

  • ground glass nodule(s)

    • <30 mm (version 1.1 change previously 20 mm)

    • ≥30 mm and unchanged or slowly growing (version 1.1 change previously 20 mm)

  • subsegmental airway nodule at baseline or stable

  • category 3 nodules that are stable or decreased at 6 months

  • category 4B lesion that has a benign diagnosis on work up

  • solid nodule(s)

    • between 6 and 8 mm at baseline

    • new nodule between 4 mm and 6 mm

  • subsolid nodule(s)

    • ≥6 mm total diameter with solid component <6 mm

    • new <6 mm total diameter

  • ground glass nodule(s)

    • ≥30 mm on baseline CT or new (version 1.1 change previously 20 mm)

  • atypical thick-walled lung cyst with enlarging cystic component (mean diameter)

  • category 4A lesion, stable or decreased in size at 3-month follow-up (excluding airway nodules)

  • solid nodule(s)

    • ≥8 mm to <15 mm at baseline

    • growing nodule(s) <8 mm

    • new nodule 6 mm to <8 mm

  • part solid nodule(s)

    • ≥6 mm total diameter with solid component ≥6 mm to <8 mm

    • new or growing <4 mm solid component

  • segmental or more proximal airway nodule at baseline

  • thick-walled cyst OR multilocular cyst at baseline OR thin- or thick-walled cyst that becomes multilocular

  • stable or growing airway nodule, segmental or more proximal

  • solid nodule(s)

    • ≥15 mm at baseline

    • new or growing, and ≥8 mm

  • part-solid nodule(s)

    • solid component ≥8 mm

    • new or growing ≥4 mm solid component

  • atypical pulmonary cyst: thick-walled cyst with increasing wall thickness/nodularity OR growing multilocular cyst (mean diameter) OR

    multilocular cyst with increased loculation or new/increased opacity (nodular, ground glass, or consolidation)

  • solid or part solid nodule growing slowly over multiple screening exam

  • category 3 or 4 nodules with additional features or imaging findings that increase the suspicion of malignancy

  • includes:

    • spiculation

    • ground glass nodule(s) that double in size in 1 year

    • enlarged regional lymph nodes

  • for new large nodules that develop on an annual repeat screening CT, a 1 month LDCT may be recommended to address potentially infectious or inflammatory conditions. (version 1.1 addition)

  • [X]S (e.g. "3S") if there is a clinically significant or potentially significant non-lung cancer finding

  • (version 1.1 removal): [X]C (e.g. "3C") for a patient with a prior diagnosis of lung cancer who returns to screening

Up to 9% of lung cancers present as an atypical pulmonary cyst and these are classified as 3, 4A or 4B lesions depending on the most concerning feature. Features of concern are wall-thickening, nodularity, multilocularity and associated opacity as well as an interval increase in any of these features. A cavitating solid nodule is a different entity and is classified according to mean diameter.

Juxtapleural replaces perifissural as a descriptor for typical intraparenchymal lymph nodes which can occur along any pleural surface.

Endobronchial nodules have been renamed ‘airway nodules’ and concerning features are location in a segmental or more proximal bronchus and stability or growth on follow-up.

Nodule growth now relies on mean diameter and applies to a 12 month follow-up interval.

Ground-glass nodules that grow no more than 1.5mm over 12 months are category 2. A higher growth rate or a new solid component triggers reclassification.

The timing of the next follow-up low-dose CT scan is now based on the grade of the findings.

Potentially benign infectious/ inflammatory findings can be allocated to category 0. These findings include more than 6 new nodules, rapid appearance of an 8mm or larger nodule and segmental or lobar consolidation. These need to be reclassified according to the most suspicious feature on the next follow-up CT scan after 1-3 months. Other potentially benign infectious/inflammatory findings such as new tree-in-bud nodules and a new ground-glass nodule less than 3cm diameter do not require short term follow-up and can be classified using existing size criteria based on the most suspicious nodule1. Multiple endobronchial segmental abnormalities without a proximal obstructing lesion can be assigned to either category 4.

Category 0:

  • comparison with prior studies before assignment of Lung-RADS classification

Category 1: 

  • continue annual screening with LDCT

Category 2: 

  • continue annual screening with LDCT

Category 3: 

  • 6-month follow-up with LDCT

Category 4A: 

  • 3-month follow-up with LDCT

  • PET-CT may be used if there is a ≥8 mm solid component

Category 4B and 4X: 

  • chest CT with or without contrast, as appropriate

  • PET-CT and/or tissue sampling depending on the probability of malignancy and comorbidities (PET-CT if solid component ≥8 mm)

  • for new large nodules that develop on an annual repeat screening CT, a 1 month LDCT may be recommended to address potentially infectious or inflammatory conditions. (version 1.1 addition)

  • nodule measurement should be in lung windows

  • to calculate nodule mean diameter, measure both the long and short axis to one decimal point, and report mean nodule diameter to one decimal point. [previously recommended rounding to nearest whole number version 1.0.]

  • only a single measurement is necessary for round nodules

  • "growth" is an increase in size of ≥1.5 mm

  • assignment of a Lung-RADS status is based on the most suspicious nodule

  • category 4B management is based on multiple factors including overall patient status and patient preference

  • solid nodules with smooth margins, an oval, lentiform or triangular shape, and maximum diameter less than 10 mm (perifissural nodules) should be classified as category 2. (version 1.1 addition)

  • for category x, the Lung-RADS is rendered as "Lung-RADS category x" or "Lung-RADS x".

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Imaging differential diagnosis

  • Figure 1: common blind spots on chest CT

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